Worst Job Ever
I have been silent about where I work and I've finally decided to spill my frustrations out here on my blog. You see, I've been working with a temp agency to get a job as an admistration assistant and felt like my prayers have been answered when I landed a 3 month temporary job at a petite lingerie boutique. I didn't realize it at the time but my nightmare had only begun.
The first month seemed great, the manager of the store I was replacing while she went on vacation seemed very patient and understanding and she was a great person. She trained me on everything and gave me a few pointers and even when I made a little mistake she was forgiving. I liked it so much to the point where I had emailed the boutique owner if I can be permanent one day. However, she had told me she couldn't afford me (hello! I was only getting paid $11!!) and that she didn't want to hire anyone.
The manager soon went on her 3 month long trip and I was left with the owner and another lovely coworker who I have become close with. Then this job got increasingly difficult and unmanageable. I had to take on tasks and I literally felt like a slave. I was doing constant emails, steaming thousands of bras, taking inventory of thousands of bras, doing calls, doing orders, packaging orders, cleaning the store, re-doing orders she didn't approve of and just every little unnecessary tasks she had asked me to do. She couldn't trust my emails and would want to proofread before I sent it to a customer. I would then be scolded if I had gotten one punctuation wrong or added too many spaces. She would sigh loudly when I had picked the wrong bra and I couldn't work with her looking over my shoulder. She would even bitch if I had written too big on a post it note because I could write more without wasting anymore post it notes. She made me feel miserable when I worked there and when she had left for a week for business it was HEAVEN.
I had gotten to the point where I was stressed and dreaded waking up early everyday to spend my hellish hours at the store. I work hard without getting any appreciation. When I would do something good she wouldn't compliment me but when I had messed up, I wouldn't hear the end of it.
So, I put my two weeks in yesterday and never felt better. I just feel like at this point in my life I need to do something that I enjoy and after 7 years of working at restaurants, working at a bank and having to making quota and also having a cushy job at Bloomingdale's where I was getting paid a lot more than this job, I know what I am worth and this isn't worth my time.
I honestly feel free like a bird right now.
Although I still have two weeks and I already received an email on a list of what I need to do today, I won't let it get me down now!
Thanks for reading.
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